Latest Update - Stable

Friday, June 11, 2010
We met with my oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency yesterday for my routine tests and consultation after my 3rd 6 week cycle of Sutent (I'll post a detailed description of this drug soon).  The status of my cancer remains stable.  No new metastasis or measurable growth.  The Sutent, as well as other therapies that I am doing seem to be working to hold it back.  Naturally, I would prefer to see regression of the disease, but this is a pretty good result in the cancer world. Lots of healing still to do.  I am not in any great pain at the moment, just the odd freakish pinch or nerve sensation in my chest or arm from time to time.  I hope these will pass soon as I get a few days into my 4th cycle of Sutent.  I have managed to get some mountain biking in recently and didn't have to get off at all to push up some steep climbs.  Recovery is slower for sure, but still manageable.

I am also in the process of trying to decide what to do about income/work.  My short term leave will be ending soon and I would like to try and go back to the Park Ranger work that I love in some form, if possible.  The parks that I patrol and maintain are melting out fast and I am anxious to get back to a lifetime's list of important projects.  


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