Welcome friends, family, healing team, and visitors . . .
The purpose of this blog:
1. To update my family and friends about my condition and how they can participate.
The purpose of this blog:
1. To update my family and friends about my condition and how they can participate.
It takes a lot of energy to explain the details of my condition to everyone on an individual basis and to be straight forward, listening to myself repeat it over and over can sometimes be quite depressing. By posting updates here in an easy access location I hope to keep everyone informed of my condition. Many of you also ask how you can help and I plan to provide opportunities for you to do so, that will be beneficial to us all.
2. To serve as a log for other cancer patients for comparison.
Cancer treatment can often be a combination of western medicine and complementary therapies used in a trial and error fashion where many questions of what works, why it works still remained unanswered. As such, I think it is important to try and document the process to share with others, especially for people facing similar situations.
2. To serve as a log for other cancer patients for comparison.
Cancer treatment can often be a combination of western medicine and complementary therapies used in a trial and error fashion where many questions of what works, why it works still remained unanswered. As such, I think it is important to try and document the process to share with others, especially for people facing similar situations.
3. A place to express myself as a part of my therapy.
I believe writing things down and sharing with others will be beneficial to my healing journey into both life, and eventually (preferably postponed) death.
Here are the basics to get started:
36 year old (birth year 1974), Male, Park Ranger.
Condition: Stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)
No tumor present in either kidney.
Discovered by pain in left 6th rib. CT scan January 2010.
Metastasis in chest wall, hip, spine skull, heart lining and left arm.
Diagnosed January 2010.
Initial prognosis: Months.
Current treatment: Sutent 50mg (TK Inhibitor).
Condition: Stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)
No tumor present in either kidney.
Discovered by pain in left 6th rib. CT scan January 2010.
Metastasis in chest wall, hip, spine skull, heart lining and left arm.
Diagnosed January 2010.
Initial prognosis: Months.
Current treatment: Sutent 50mg (TK Inhibitor).